A Hallelujah Christmas by Cloverton

I've heard about this baby boy
Who's come to earth to bring us joy
And I just want to sing this song to you
It goes like this, the fourth, the fifth
The minor fall, the major lift
With every breath I'm singing Hallelujah

A couple came to Bethlehem
Expecting child, they searched the inn
To find a place for You were coming soon
There was no room for them to stay
So in a manger filled with hay
God's only Son was born, oh Hallelujah

The shepherds left their flocks by night
To see this baby wrapped in light
A host of angels led them all to You
It was just as the angels said
You'll find Him in a manger bed
Immanuel and Savior, Hallelujah

A star shown bright up in the east
To Bethlehem, the wisemen three
Came many miles and journeyed long for You
And to the place at which You were
Their frankincense and gold and myrrh
They gave to You and cried out Hallelujah

I know You came to rescue me
This baby boy would grow to be
A man and one day die for me and you
My sins would drive the nails in You
That rugged cross was my cross, too
Still every breath You drew was Hallelujah


  1. Thanks for sharing information on this blog, i have visited your blog great post....!!!!

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  2. Beautiful. Who are these guys? I'm about to purchase my first Itune! Thanks Cloverton ~ good job.

    1. This is an amazing song

    2. how did you buy it on iTunes? I have looked for it and cannot find

    3. it is on Amazon music.

  3. Best rendition of the song I've heard yet. Beautiful.

  4. Stunningly beautiful. Extraordinarily moving. Thank you for your gift.

  5. AWESOME song! why can't i buy it anywhere? nowhere to be found...

    1. I know I'm singing it for church! need the music!

    2. You can convert from youtube into an mp3 then transfer to itunes or whatever you use :)

  6. Singing this for church this Christmas wish me luck it's going to be so awesome

    1. Prayers for an awesome presentation! May God shine his light thru you and bring more to his kingdom. God Bless!

    2. Hope it went well. I'm going to this year..pray for me! ♡

  7. This is what the song should always have been (no reflection on Leonard Cohn) but this is so much better.

    1. Paul, this is such a beautiful song with such a great message of love. But, the Leonard Cohn song carried a different message...which I found to be as powerful as this one.
      Blessings to you and your family.

  8. It is by far the best version. Thank you! I love it.

  9. Amen. Great lyrics and great performance.

  10. Thank you so much for making this a true worship song. God is glorified through the gifts he has given you.

  11. I can't listen to this without cold chills and tears! Absolutely stunning! Thank you for this incredible song of praise and worship!

  12. I love this song. Wish I could sing along to it, but I'm too sick, and coughing too much :(

  13. The most moving Christmas song of this year. Will be a classic. CHRISTIAN MUSIC IS STILL ALIVE AND CAN CHANGE A LIFE.

  14. I love this version... I love the words so much more so than other versions.

  15. I've tried to find this song to purchase. No luck.... This song is phenomenal; the words are beautiful!

  16. I originally watched the video on another site and it said it is available on iTunes. I hadn't looked myself, but here is the link to the video http://liftbump.com/2013/12/7262-can-literally-feel-christmas-moving-performance-hallelujah/

  17. So beautiful - tks Cloverton!

  18. Wow. This song is so soul-captivating and heart-capturing. Thanks.

  19. I also have to say this is my favorite version of this song!

  20. WOW I must get this out to all whom love His appearing !

  21. Where can I get the full instrumental music for this awesome song? I want to sing it for our Christmas celebration at church.

  22. Yes, I was wondering the same thing.....is instrumental music other than the piano available?? Awesome arrangement of a great song!!

  23. What do you have to do to use someone else's song with new lyrics?

  24. it would be good to wheel a piano into a shopping centre and have someone play sing this.
    What an inpact it would have.

  25. I play in a mountain dulcimer/guitar group and we have the dulcimer arrangement for this song, which I love. We ordered and received our music from Tull Glazener. He does have a web site for dulcimer music.

  26. A friend sent me this song yesterday. It has moved me like no other song ever has. My life has been a mess. Unemployed for a long time. I am out of money, can't pay my bills and I haven't felt any joy with Christmas coming. This song has moved me. Maybe there is hope after all. Thank you Cloverton.

  27. I have always loved the original and this one adds to the wonderfulness of it all.

  28. The most hateful person in this hate filled world would be touched by those words. The song is beautiful as always, the lyric change took it to a whole new level. Brilliant!!

    1. Not everyone is touched by Christian thievery. It took the original and turned it on it's head with this vanilla, half baked effort.

    2. How is it thievery when this rewrite was created and is performed with Leonard Cohen's full knowledge, consent and agreement? Get your facts straight before you make accusations from faceless anonymity

  29. You still can hear this song on the following link. Until someone takes it down,

  30. it's not available to purchase bc of copyright laws.

  31. I do not think this song means what you think it means.

  32. you can get it on iTunes under a different artist, its also on Facebook.

  33. Always found this such a beautiful melody, but now the lyrics are fully supporting it !! Thanks Cloverton & hallelujah! :-) Now we can finally sing it in church

  34. Hey guys this song is awesome... just wanted to say...also this is the link to it if you are too lazy to search in your browser. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43OQi0KJC8g
    the creators of this website should really change their video because Youtube took it down due to copyrights for some reason

  35. I love this song so much. It's super easy to a Capella too.

  36. This song is awesome, wonderful and inspirational and it contains power

  37. God bless these guys, this song is incredible and so moving! Nicely done! AMEN!

  38. I would love to by the single or the album this is on but can't find it anywhere anybody kow where I can get it I don't have anything to play it on except my computer or Old fashion record player or cd plAyer

    1. I LOVE this song as well! I have looked, but dont think you will find it to buy. From what I understand there are copyright issues with Sony (i think with the music) :( I found a video on Dailymotion with the lyrics and downloaded it to my computer. Then made a DVD to watch.. So I can watch on computer or TV.

  39. Just saw this on Facebook. Awesome!

  40. My all-time favorite version of this song!

  41. Cool and catchy lyrics. I found myself singing along. Love the parody and the contest idea. Looking forward to reading and/or hearing more. You can also read Jingle Bells Lyrics

  42. Someone please tell me where I can purchase the sheet music for this song so I can sing it at church in 2 weeks. I need this version and there are so many out there. Thanks. R. Eaton

  43. Can't find this song at all 😔

  44. love it singing i keep singing it over and over again

  45. NOW you need to see the video of "Killard School choir" in Ireland singing!! Just Google it. That one will make you cry and give you chills!!

  46. Praise be the Lord, HIS life in a beautiful song.I cried and knew HE was beside me forgiving me of all my sins.

  47. Parody and Satire
    An artist might adapt someone else’s song lyrics for his own purposes, such as parody. The artist Weird Al Yankovic, for example, popularized many such adaptations in the 1980s. Even though parody is considered a legitimate use under the fair use exception, the work might still constitute an infringement if it relies on extensive portions of the original work, because copyright law prohibits the unauthorized adaptation of a copyrighted work. Although the law in this area is complex, the U.S. Supreme Court indicated in the case of Campbell v. Acuff-Rose Music that a "fair use" defense is more likely to prevail in the case of parody (when the target of ridicule is the original work itself) than in the case of satire (when the adapted version uses the original work for the purpose of broader social critique).


  48. What movie is playing in the video?

  49. What movie is playing in the video?

  50. This is a powerful song... But the other very was as well.

  51. Wow mind blowing lyrics, thanks for sharing. Hallelujah became probably the greatest selling music before today, this made song extremely popular for arrangers to write out them create sheet music independently.See more

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  53. It goes like this he was born to die for all our sins and all we do with every breath we sing is 'hallelujah'
