
Something More by Nick Vujicic


Where Do We Go When Hope Runs Out? When We're Empty? 
When There's Nothing Left?

Sometimes I get so tired,
Just trying to find a place,
To lay my head,
I look up to the sky,
I feel the warmest light comfort me,
I've seen the great heights,
Reminding me... That I'm alive

I don't wanna die,
I don't wanna waste another day,
Or night,
I know there's something more,
Than what we're living for,
I see it in the stars,
I feel it on the shores,
I know there's something,
I know there's something more.

I think we're all afraid,
That we might be alone,
Alone down here,
We all want to have some faith,
At least that's true in my case,
To just believe,
I've seen the great height,
Reminding me... That I'm alive,

I don't wanna die,
I don't wanna waste another day,
Or night,
I know there's something more,
Than what we're living for,
I see it in the stars,
I feel it on the shore,
I know there's something,

This world may crumble,
Into the ocean,
It could all end tonight,
I undermined you,
Then tried to find you,
My only source of light,
There breathing... I am
Breathing... I am... ¡alive!

I know there's something more,
I don't wanna die,
I don't wanna waste another day or night,
I know there's something more,
Than what we're living for,
I see it in the stars,
I feel it on the shore,

I know there's something more,
I don't wanna die,
I don't wanna waste another day,
Or night,
I know there's something more,
Than what we're living for,
I see it in the stars,
And I feel it on the shore,

I know there's something more,
I don't wanna die,
I don't wanna waste another day,
Or night,
I know there's something more,
Than what we're living for,
I see it in the stars, I feel it on the shore,

I know there's something more,
I know there's something....

If You Don’t Get A Miracle... Become One

Part 1

part 2

 Part 3


  1. Thanks a lot for putting this up ...makes me feel better when i am low and down and want to quit

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Today i talked to one man who wanted to quit. Never quit. You are loved.. folow the One who knows you and so still truly loves you. Seek His face. Step in, open up and say Hello! and He will change your life. Have faith in Him and One day it will be again Him who will wipe away your tears completely and forever. Martin
      PS: i have noticed it was 2012 comment but never mind. These are the words that can show the way to anybody...

  2. When I was 7 years old I've experience being bullied,in that particular time I feel that I'm the worst person in the world because I'm different to them.. but when i watch this video i realize that i don't need to be like them..


  4. I have been bullied all my life! I really badly needed this....

  5. I've been bullied by multiple people. Some of which I thought were my best friends for life. I stutter. That's the reason. But now I feel like a big baby! Thanks SO much. You'll never know how wonderful you just made my night. My parents have been sending me to speech therapy for quite some time now,so I can inspire even more people just like me! My sister has a birth defect,so I'll defend her with every bone in my body and continue to sing this song very out of key and high-pitched. But it sure does help me in ways it would take too long to type. Some things I can't really explain. Things that pop outta nowhere

    1. Beautiful! God is good. More then good....

  6. when i saw this video,i knew immediately that i am more than what i think myself to be...i am a champion and i'm God's baby...i've been left by those i called friends when i needed them most but seeing this just gives me the faith i need to continue

  7. We listened to the song in our English class and we will learn to sing it. It made us feel very encouraged to try harder with things that are not easy in learning. Some of us have trouble with spelling (includin Miss:) so we are going to learn how to spell the lyrics as well. Thank you so much!

  8. thank you so much for each and every word of this song. God bless you

  9. Thank you so much Nick!You are a miracle!May GOD BLESS you and your wonderful family!!You help us so much :) this song reminds us that life is something more...

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Thank you Nick, you are still making me strong. God bless you brother, we love you.

    January 23, 2014 at 1:47 PM

  12. B E S T. How inspiring, I now know, that GOD loves us all no matter what happens.

  13. What a beautiful testimony and song! Heard this song while sitting in Applebee's restaurant.

  14. Inspiring song... Please pray for me nick.. Bcoz I lose hope very soon even at small petty pin pricks of my life... But not now.. If nick can even I can

  15. Godbless you nick!can't find the best words to appreciate u,how inspiring you are!

  16. Thank u nick....your really help ful for i know that i can do it...i hv the faith...i realise that there must be something more which could make me happy n keep smiling...thanks a lot nick...again..your awesome

  17. Hi Everyone!
    Blessed Sunday morning.

    Today I feel nervous and excited as our exam result will be release by this coming week. I gave my faith to GOD and I'm trusting GOD in whatever happens.

  18. This song saved my life last year. from october 2015-january2017 I was in and out of hospitals and subsequently rehabs, for over a year. i had 7 surgeries to save my life in 2016, from 3 life threatening illnesses, and i wanted to give up, but i found this amazing video through Life Without Limbs, and I couldnt go through with ending my life, freeing myself from the pain I experienced. Nick V. and Tyrone guys saved me. Thank you!

  19. Life has shown me it's ugliest
    It's kick me round and round
    At some point,giving up was the option left
    I thought of commiting suicide
    I hate everybody
    Evil thoughts is what comes to my mind
    I feel going a quite place will help me
    But the truth is that my mind is corrupt with anxieties
    And is affect what comes to my head
    Until one day
    I came across Mr Nick Vujicic inspiration video titled "Dont give up"
    I was not concerned about the talk at first
    But i was looking at him,his being
    Without Hands and legs
    Still can walking,make phone calls,swim,Jesss-all of this got me crazy
    I was like how was it possible?
    But he said he tried so many times and failed but even though he failed he neva give up
    And the truth is if he had given up at that time,he would have been depending on someone all the rest of is life
    But he choose to stand out rada than fitting in
    After listening to is talks,i began seeing possibility
    My mind was filled with joy and those thoughts i had at first,flee
    Mr Nick,you have really touch so many lives which you dont even know
    God has used you to rebrand my thoughts
    I wana say a big thank you to you
    But the greatest thanks goes to God who made it possible for to be an inspiration to millions
    I'm your friend and your forever fan-Mr Nick

  20. God bless you in all the time..
