
Say Hallelujah by Tracy Chapman

Say Hallelujah
Throw up your hands
The bucket is kicked
The body is gone

Close your eyes
And bow your head
To rest your soul
And to praise the dead

Say Hallelujah
Throw up your hands
The bucket is kicked
The body is gone

Dry your eyes
And stand upright
Put a smile on your face
He wouldn't want us to cry

The sun will rise
The stars will shine
Turning day to dusk
And night to dawn
We'll pass on
But until that time

Say Hallelujah
Say Hallelujah

Say Hallelujah
Throw up your hands
The bucket is kicked
The body is gone

Have mercy
It's a wonderful life
Eternal rest for the weary
Mourners party tonight

Say Hallelujah
Throw up your hands
The bucket is kicked
The body is gone

Wave your hands
But don't say goodbye
We're all gonna meet you
On the other side


  1. Replies
    1. Chapman is Christian.
      Listen to her song "Save Us All"
      She presents the song through the perspective of a Christian believer.
      I know Jesus loves me
      In my heart I know it's true
      I know Mary's little baby
      Came into the world
      Just to save me

  2. Not having listened to all of Ms Chapmans works nor sat down with her in conversation...(and even if I did), it would probably not qualify me sufficiently to judge her relationship with HIM. I can, with certainty of heart say that her work "Change" sounds like HOLY SPIRIT to the spirit that dwells in this sinners heart.
